Seachem Renew - 250 ml
Seachem's Renew is the ideal filter media for systems where phosphate released from all activated carbons poses a problem. Less aggressive than carbon, Renew is well suited for reefs and planted habitats as well as in soft water habitats. Renew removes organics and particulates in the sub-micron range while also helping control ammonia, nitrates, and phosphates in the water.
- Removes organics and particulates.
- Control ammonia, nitrates, and phosphates.
- Gentle and less impactful on water pH and hardness.
- Less aggressive than carbon, safe for plantlife.
- Should be used in exactly the same manner as activated carbon.
- Use 250mL for each 120-160L (30-40 US gallons).
- For best results, Renew should be placed so as to maximize the flow of water through it.
- Use in a filter bag such as Seachem's Zip Bag.
- Although Renew is clean, it is advisable to rinse before use.
- It lasts about the same as carbon (4-6 weeks).