1024 Tangerine Tiger Shrimp
Minimum tank size: 3 gallons, recommended 10 gallon minimum for a group.
Temperature: 68° - 74° F
pH: 6.5 - 7.8
dGH: 4 - 7
dKH: 0 - 2
TDS: 130 - 160
Diet: Scavenger that feeds continually. Requires very little feeding in a well-established aquarium containing algae, biofilm, or decaying plant matter. In less mature aquariums, high quality dry foods with high plant content can be fed multiple times daily.
- Natural Botanicals are a great way to boost the immune system of your shrimp and they will also provide lots of essential biofilm for the shrimp to graze on.
- Social behavior: Peaceful. A small group can continually replenish and grow its population.