NorthFin Community Flake Formula - 350 g

NorthFin Community Flake Formula - 350 g

  • $31.99

Quick Overview

  • Ideal for herbivorous and omnivorous community fish including danios, barbs, guppies and gouramis
  • Full of High DHA Omega-3 Herring Meal, Kelp and Antarctic Krill Meal
  • Helps your fish break down and absorb more essential nutrients

Community Flake Formula - 350 g

The 350 gram container of NorthFin Community Flake Formula is the ideal daily food for a wide range of various herbivorous and omnivorous community fish species including danios, barbs, guppies and gouramis. Chocked full of High DHA Omega-3 Herring Meal, Kelp and Antarctic Krill Meal, the ingredients in this flake blend help your fish break down and absorb more essential nutrients for a healthier lifestyle. Effective absorption of nutrients ensures that your vibrant community fish can obtain their full natural color spectrum and provide a unmatched visual atmosphere within your aquarium.